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Monday, June 27, 2011

Tips on Melt Proof Makeup

Hello again lady's & gent's i know in other places summer is just starting but here in South Florida  we have been enduring the heat for months . Being a person with oily skin my makeup never seems to last . I'm lucky if  i make  it to lunch with foundation still on my face . So i thought why not put together a list of things that have worked for me and will maybe work for you .

- Prep your self

If you have oily skin or combination i have found that during the day skipping your moisturizer and using a good primer is key . I have tried all sorts of day time moisturizer's thinking that i HAD to use it and just had not found THE ONE . Think about it tho , we spend our time trying to cut down on the oil and moister to help the foundation/concealer stick around all day . Well adding more isn't going to help . If you use a good night time moisturizer i have found that my skin feels great all day . Now primer will lock in that feeling of refreshing thrice quenched skin yet give your foundation/concealer something to hold on to thought out the day .

-Whats your coverage ?

Skin is prepped and ready to go , what are my coverage options ?  Powder foundation , Matte foundation , Concealer on the trouble spots??? 
Really any of these will do . It all depends on your skin what you want to cover . Key points to keep in mind you want a something that will be able to handle long hours , high tempter and is transfer resistant . If you work out doors you may even want to go water proof. If you are going with a liquid keep in mind its day time work hours unless your job requires you look picture perfect , light applications . Lets not for get there is always concealer for those trouble spots . 

-Multipurpose makeup 

An easy way to avoid that dreaded overdone look is to you use a multipurpose product . Make that blush tint double as a lip stain , bronzer warm up those brow bones . This way its less you carry with you for touch ups and less to worry about . 

-Blot don't wipe 
Every one should carry blotting sheets with them . If you ran out or cant find them just keep the motion in mind . We want to dry up the shine and leave the make up , so don't wipe it away . Make sure you do this instead or before your powder your T-zone to avoid caked on make up . 

Hope you find this helpful . Thanks again for reading and i love the feedback so be sure to leave comments on what works for you , i am always looking for new tips and tricks to learn. 


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