Happy Friday!!
I wanted to do a review on this because as we know spring is in full effect and summer is right around the corner . I know plenty of people myself included that come this time of year want to surround themselves with any and all things that give us the seance of beach front sunbathing with a Mai Tai in hand . Even if we are at work surrounded by a mountain of papers. (me right now)

While wasting a little time in at the mall a few weeks ago i came across this item . I always go in to Bath and Body Works because i love all of there stuff candles , shower gels , lotions , sprays . I picked it up thinking it would be a great little gift to get a Friend of mine who loves coconut and or anything blue/teal . I popped the cap open and immediately thought VACATION!!!
The scent of coconut seamed to surround me almost instantly and it lingers well after you close it . One lady come up and ask me what it was. I didn't even try it out i just grabbed two and off i went . To me this is one of this things you have plenty of but this particular one you must have . Remember that Mai Tai well thats all you think off while smelling this . A little goes a long way so it will deffinatly last . The travel friendly size is also a plus .
In retrospect i wish i would have tryed it out . I find it to be extremely drying . My hands feel as if they have never come in contact with lotion or cream of any kind ever . Lucky for me i found my lotion to compliment the smell very well .
I don't see my self purchasing another one once I'm done with it because of this , but is you don't suffer from dry hands or it doesn't bother you then i defiantly say pick this up . It is a 2.5 fl oz for $4.00 but as we all know Bath & Body Works always has deals or coupons out so your sure to get it for a a steal .
Thank you so much for checking back in with us and i hope you found this helpfully .
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